Thursday, September 30, 2021

Stranded in paradise.

 Stranded In paradise.

It all started in a jet plane, the weather  bad enough to cause a tsunami. The plane swifted and swerved trying to fight the storm, but all of a sudden, BOOM! 

I slowly opened my eyes, giving them a good rub. I was going to stand up but the plane shook me to the ground. I heard the thunder, their waves too big to be normal but too small to be tsunamis. The engine blew from the ground and my head smacked the door handle and everything went black.

                              Day 1 The first sleep.

I woke up with blood on my head from the handle. The weather was all clear and sunny,  I was sweating hard.  I had a pole going straight through my leg, there was a kit of bandages I could just reach it. 

The pilot wore crutches I put them on. I pulled my leg out and put it on. I saw a snicker tree.I reached and pulled off a snicker bar and munched slowly on it. I limped to the closest jungle  and collected wood. I built a shelter, but it started to rain again so I made a storage water supply. Then I went to bed and had a little snooze.

                           Day 2  Little boogie friend’s

I woke up after dreaming about Donald Trump, I saw a trail that had rainbow glitter. I slowly crawled. I could have walked but I was bored and on the tree slowly slithering and hissing, there slithered a unicorn snake. I was about to faint, but that's when I saw two boogie snakes. I examined  the area and looked at a boogie suit. Then I saw a dj snake playing music, then I put the suit on and boogied all day and fell asleep with my friends, Harry, 

Larry, Jerry,Hairy and Bob. We all fell asleep. 

                                    Day 3 A big meal

I woke up and crawled outside. It was snowing, I was still sleepy so I saw something. “Santa, is that you” it wasn't Santa, it was a bird, I was hungry so I smacked a bird just sitting there, I smacked him hard with my crutches. I made a bowl and boiled the bird. 

I made a stew, slurp, that was delicious. But that was only a little bird. I'm still very hungry,the sound of all the things I could eat, birds chirping and wild boars roaring. There were some cockroaches,I went down to the beach and got 12 cockalse, I walked around and picked 2 may-apple fruits, I also found a geese and some juice from cooked wild boar meat I put them all in a boil. I’m going to save the boar meat for later. I’m so full so I gave in, so I gave the rest to my snakes. I’m so tired, time for...

                             Day 4 lion vs human

It’s getting boring, very boring. I’m walking down the river stream, water brighter than a diamond. Looking at the narrow stream makes me remember, I haven't had a shower in 4 days. I dive in the mossy stream, I lied on my back closing my eyes as the stream took down to the river mouth. Then I saw a lion lying there, licking its paws. I climbed up the mossy rocks and turned around, only to see the lion had disappeared, I heard a roar in the trees, as the bush shook. I inhaled a deep breath, the tiger pounced out. It missed me slamming the top of it’s head against the palm tree. It stood up and jumped again. This time the lion fell in the stream, the lion went to it’s spot and shook it’s hair. Giving me a chance to run. I just rested the whole day. 

                            Day 5 The military escape

Me and my snakes need to escape, we're sick of being here on this boring island. I walked down to the beach feeling the soft sand on my feet. I build a bomb fire, so the smoke attracts a tourist plane coming towards me. But there was no time for that, A storm not any type of storm a tsunami. As I said at the beginning, the storm could cause waves like a tsunami. Well the storm has come back even bigger. That's when I shout from the top of my lungs “TSUNAMI!” I ran as fast as I could to the heist mountain's peak. I brought all the snakes when the tsunami crashed. I saw a military helicopter, it was my brother, jeb. It was all fine until…                              

                                To be continued… 

Friday, September 24, 2021

Healthy Eating

We have been learning about healhty eating. Here is my food prymaid.

Pick a Path Story

We have been writing pick a path stories.

Friday, June 18, 2021

Fun maths, lengths and times.

This is a fun maths idea, I made for a blog. It has length ( in metres) and maths of how much the house in the picture every 5 weeks. Hope you like it. 

Friday, May 14, 2021

Animal simile poem

I have written an animal simile poem


Friday, April 9, 2021

Geometry art

 We have been learning about translation, rotation and reflection.  Here is my art to show this.